Food Bank

  • Post published:September 2, 2020
food pantry donations, Portraits by Anne-Marie, Bucks County Family Photographer

If you were to drive by my residential studio on every other Saturday morning since April, you would see a bag or two of groceries on my front porch. This is the small part I play in helping the people in Lower Bucks have enough food to eat. My church, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Southampton, donates tons (well maybe not literally tons, but a lot) of food to Jesus Focus Food pantry. A woman at my church and her family organized the “porch pickups”, which are contactless, and it has worked so well!

I can’t bare the thought of someone going hungry. I love sharing food and picking out nutritious, tasty, and non-perishable food when I go shopping. This has always been a passion of mine, maybe passed down from my Italian grandmother, but it’s even more so now in these uncertain times.

Some of the other hunger projects I’ve been involved in are cooking meals for Caring for Friends – an organization that feeds the homebound in the area, and volunteering at Cast Your Cares in Kennsignton where we have the opportunity to meet and share food with people in desperate need. I haven’t been participating in these since the pandemic, but look forward to when I can participate again. Serving these people is humbling Often their faith is so much greater than mine. Seeing the faces, hearing the voices of those that society has rejected gives me a whole now perspective on life.