Grandparents’ Day

  • Post published:August 26, 2021
grandparents, grandkids, grandchildren, grandchild, Bucks county photographer, Bucks county family photographer, Bucks county child photographer, Bucks county family photography, Bucks county newborn photographer, Grandparents' Day

When I was a kid, the closest relationships I had were with my grandparents. I loved going to visit them, especially when we got to stay overnight. 

When I was with my grandparents I felt loved and accepted. I didn’t have to worry about making mistakes. Everything was right with the world when I was with them. 

Grandma Shirk loved birds. When I was a toddler she had two baby chicks, Cuckoo and Lulu. They ran around the house with kleenex for diapers. Grandma and I loved those chickens!

We loved staying up late at night with Grandma Light playing games, and stifling giggles, trying not to wake up my grandfather.

Grandma Shirk taught me how to garden and sew; Grandma Light taught me how to knit. Grandpa Light taught me how to build things; Grandpa Shirk taught me caring and empathy. I miss them very much. 

Does your child have a grandparent who thinks the world of him? I recently photographed a wonderful, loving  family, and we created a series of photographs that told the story of the depth and breadth of their relationship at this time in their lives. The images were especially poignant since the grandson spent so much time with his grandparents over the past year, during the pandemic – Grammy was his own private preschool teacher – and they all became so close. 

The leather folio box they ordered will have the images that tell their story, and they can change out the image in the front to display different images at different times.

Comment and tell me about your grandparents or your child’s grandparents.