Vacation Photos

  • Post published:August 19, 2022
We took a vacation to Annapolis this summer. It's a wonderful place to visit!

This morning felt more like summer again, but for several mornings this week, it felt almost like fall. The air was cool, the sun was warm. After walking my dog, I sat on my patio with my coffee, planning my day. As I planned, I enjoyed the cool air, the sunshine, the dark green leaves of the trees blowing in the breeze, my tomatoes ripening on the vine.

Summer is winding down. But there’s still some time to enjoy before school starts and the hectic life begins again.. 

I read a very good article on making sure you capture those summer memories in photographs.

Some of my takeaways were that the photographs will stimulate your brain (and your children’s brains) to go back to that time and to feel grateful for the time you had together as a family. Seeing the photos on a day your feeling down can be a real pick-me-up.

Don’t worry about how Instagram worthy your pictures are. They’re your photos, your memories. You want to be real in them. And make sure mom is in some of the pictures!

Print your photos. They will mean so much more to you if you can look at them and hold them in a photo album or see a few on the wall rather than sifting through your phone to try to find a tiny image. And your kids will love to see them, hold them. It will spark their memories and feelings of gratitude. 

Make the most of the rest of your summer!