It’s somewhat surprising to find me in this career – a small business owner and a visual artist. As a child I didn’t care for art class, mostly because I could not draw. When I was in college, my father advised me to major in business. As a college student, business sounded way too boring and too conventional. I was captivated by genetics and the beautiful way that an organism developed. So I ended up getting a master’s degree in genetics and worked in that field for 15 years. But something was missing. I enjoyed working with people more than working with bacteria; I enjoyed observing relationships, and I still enjoyed watching how someone developed from an infant to an adult. I had an artistic, creative side that was longing to be expressed.
As a child, I was always the family photographer. I especially enjoyed photographing the youngest members of the family. I also loved photographing our travels.

I enjoy the beauty in the world, in each person, and in each relationship. I believe every person has a unique beauty and a story that is longing to be told. When we find that beauty and story, we get a glimpse of the spark of the divine that is in us all.
Photography seemed to be the perfect career for me. Now I had to learn business and visual artistry (as well as technical photographic skills). What a wonderful challenge! I am learning every day! And best of all, I get to meet and learn about new people every day and help them express their stories.
In a world that is often filled with fear and suspicion, I’m blessed to be able to bring out the beauty, love, caring, and joy that is in each child. And I help people have reminders of these qualities by creating portraits for their walls. Hopefully these portraits bring a spark of joy, feeling of love, every time they look at their portraits.

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