
  • Post published:August 28, 2017

I love working with families, especially extended families. I love to see the bond across generations. The R. family was a wonderful family to work with! They grandparents have grandchildren ranging from college age to under a year. How lucky! They are all so close, so warm and comfortable with one another. So happy and fun! (See more of their images on my Facebook page.) (See images of other families on my web site.)They also are a very busy family, so we had to do some creative scheduling. For our first date, we were met with a snowstorm,…

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  • Post published:August 7, 2017

Do you remember being pregnant? Are you pregnant now? What did (does) it feel like? What emotions did (do) you feel? (comment below - I'd love to hear!) My mother couldn't understand why I photograph pregnant women - until she saw this image. Think of all the emotions surrounding pregnancy. They run the gamut from excitement and joy to fear and uncertainty. So much is out of our control. But we have hope - hope for a healthy child and mom; hope for more love than we can even imagine; hope for a new family; hope for a…

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