The Joys and Pains of Being a New Mom

  • Post published:March 22, 2018

I'm happy to have my friend and colleague Dr. Ed Camacho, chiropractor, as a guest blogger. When I was a new mom, I thought any aches and pains I had were just the result of motherhood and something I had to get used to. Dr. Ed told me there are things new moms can do to help those newly used muscles. You can find out more about Dr. Ed and his office here. See more mommy and baby photos at Portraits by Anne-Marie. Leave a comment about your experience with "mommy muscles"! Mommy Muscles -  

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Let Your Face (Or Gesture) Speak What Is In Your Heart

  • Post published:February 6, 2018

What subtle messages do we give our children? In Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, Ms. Brown says "One of the best pieces of parenting advice that I ever received was from the writer Toni Morrison." She goes on to explain that Ms. Morrison was on Oprah talking about her book The Bluest Eye. Ms. Brown goes on "Ms. Morrison explained that it is interesting to watch what happens when a child walks into a room.  She asked, "Does your face light up?".  She explained, "When my children used to walk in the room when they were little, I looked at them…

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  • Post published:August 7, 2017

Do you remember being pregnant? Are you pregnant now? What did (does) it feel like? What emotions did (do) you feel? (comment below - I'd love to hear!) My mother couldn't understand why I photograph pregnant women - until she saw this image. Think of all the emotions surrounding pregnancy. They run the gamut from excitement and joy to fear and uncertainty. So much is out of our control. But we have hope - hope for a healthy child and mom; hope for more love than we can even imagine; hope for a new family; hope for a…

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