
  • Post published:March 30, 2020

Where was your favorite place to be when you were young? Mine was with my grandparents. They embed unconditional love. My sisters, my cousins, and I could do no wrong when visiting them. I recently delivered portraits of an extended family. It was a gift for the grandparents, who live many states away. The family is very close, but spread out in several states. It made me so happy to be able to capture the relationship these grandparents have with their grandkids. These type of photographs are some of my favorite to shoot. Maybe because of the close…

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Tips on Photographing Your Newborn

  • Post published:March 19, 2020

In this uncertain, frightening time, life goes on. The forsythia in my neighborhood is blooming, the kids are growing and changing every day, and new babies are being born. The Accredited Professional Newborn Photographers International recommends that all newborn and maternity photographers cease sessions. No one wants to put new babies at risk! But you still want to capture those early days. The first 2 weeks of a baby's life is a wonderful time to photograph them, and I found with my kids, they change - a lot - after the first 2 weeks. Here are some tips…

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Surprise Birth

  • Post published:February 24, 2020

Sitting at a red light after picking up my almost 4 year old from daycare, I thought I felt a contraction. But that couldn't be. I was only 31 weeks pregnant - they must be Braxton-Hicks contractions, like the doctor said. Anyway, my daughter's birthday party was in a couple days, so I didn't have time to worry about this. We stopped at K-mart and picked up party hats, plates, etc. I waited patiently (or not so patiently) as my daughter insisted on buckling herself into her carseat. I only noticed the contractions at traffic lights. As we…

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Love Letters

  • Post published:February 14, 2020

Have you ever received a love letter? How many have you written? Do you save love letters, reread them? Holding my firstborn in my arms after she was born, taking in her scent, the softness of her skin, and her contented breathing and cooing - that was my first "love letter" from her. After the two-week "honeymoon" period, she was pretty fussy in the afternoons. I began to wonder if I was doing something wrong. But then one day, I smiled at her, and she smiled back! What a powerful message of love that was! I've had many…

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What are you doing on Feb. 16?

  • Post published:February 11, 2019

I am donating a portrait session and 11x14 portrait to the Feb. 16 Gala to benefit the BennettStrong Foundation. I met Bennett and his family about a year ago. I was captivated by Bennett's smile and his playful nature. Bennett loved showing off his accomplishments. He adores his parents. And they delight in him! Like most parents, Bennett's parents, I'm sure, were overcome with love when he was born. But unlike most parents, Bennett's parents must have felt much fear and uncertainty. Bennett was born very early and ended up spending over 7 months in the NICU. You…

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