When Should I Have My Newborn’s Portrait Made?

  • Post published:May 25, 2018

You've just come home from the hospital with your new baby. You're excited, sore, not sure what you're dong. Your whole life has just been turned upside down, and it will never be the same again. All the relatives descend on your home to see the new baby. You just want some quiet time to bond and figure all this out. You don't have the time or the energy to think about portraits. Before you know it, the first year has gone by, and though you have loads of snapshots on your phone, you don't have a portrait…

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Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Post published:May 11, 2018

Wishing a very special Mother's Day to all of the new moms out there! You might not get much rest, but I hope you have a very special day. I love photographing moms with their children. My sister found this picture of me and my mom. You wouldn't ride in a car like this today! I'm glad I survived, but mostly I'm thankful for my mom, and this picture that I have of us together. I wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. The happiest day of my life was the day my…

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New Life

  • Post published:March 27, 2018

We have new life in our family this year - my niece and nephew-in-law had a beautiful baby boy in June! It has been so much fun to watch him grow and change! He was such a sweet, cuddly newborn. Like many newborns, he loved eating and cuddling with his mom. And he hated having a wet diaper! (Maybe he'll be easy to potty train?) At 4 month he was developing more of a personality. One of the things that delighted him and made him giggle like crazy was watching a water bottle being shaken. By 4 months,…

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The Joys and Pains of Being a New Mom

  • Post published:March 22, 2018

I'm happy to have my friend and colleague Dr. Ed Camacho, chiropractor, as a guest blogger. When I was a new mom, I thought any aches and pains I had were just the result of motherhood and something I had to get used to. Dr. Ed told me there are things new moms can do to help those newly used muscles. You can find out more about Dr. Ed and his office here. See more mommy and baby photos at Portraits by Anne-Marie. Leave a comment about your experience with "mommy muscles"! Mommy Muscles -  

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Let Your Face (Or Gesture) Speak What Is In Your Heart

  • Post published:February 6, 2018

What subtle messages do we give our children? In Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, Ms. Brown says "One of the best pieces of parenting advice that I ever received was from the writer Toni Morrison." She goes on to explain that Ms. Morrison was on Oprah talking about her book The Bluest Eye. Ms. Brown goes on "Ms. Morrison explained that it is interesting to watch what happens when a child walks into a room.  She asked, "Does your face light up?".  She explained, "When my children used to walk in the room when they were little, I looked at them…

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